A sharp eye on the venom of one of Asia's most dangerous pitvipers
A sharp eye on the venom of one of Asia's most dangerous pitvipers Avella, Ignazio ignazio.avella.1990@gmail.com Animal Venomics Lab...
Are burrow-dwelling rattlesnakes succumbing to record-breaking heat?
Are burrow-dwelling rattlesnakes succumbing to record-breaking heat? Cardwell, Michael D mikecardwell31@gmail.com 5201 W VÃa Mallorca ...
Effects of winter shelter characteristics on brumation duration, body mass loss, and Ophidiomyces ophiodiicola infection load in a southeastern population of Timber Rattlesnakes (Crotalus horridus)
Effects of winter shelter characteristics on brumation duration, body mass loss, and Ophidiomyces ophiodiicola infection load in a...